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BenchmarkSC.6.L.14 Compare and contrast the structure and function of major organelles of plant and animal cells, including cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplast, mitochondria, and vacuoles.

Objective: Compare and / or contrast the structure and/or function of major organelles of plant and animal cells


Cell Wall

Central Vacuole

Click the PDF button below to view the  class presentation 

Vocabulary - 

1. Cell Membrane -the phospholipid bi-layer that covers a cells surface and acts as a barrier between the inside of a cell and the cells environment 

2. Cell Wall - rigid outer layer of the cell. Found in plant cells and some bacteria (prokaryotes)

3. Chloroplasts - an organelle found in plant cells where photosynthesis occurs capturing sunlight and converting it to food

4. Cytoplasm - region of the cell within the membrane that includes the fluid, the cytoskeleton, and all the organelles except the nucleus.

5. Eukaryote - an organism made up of cells that have membrane bound organelles, eukaryotes included protists, animals, plants, and fungi. 

6. Homeostasis - the ability of living things to maintain a balanced environment internal environment in response to external conditions. ex - shivering when its cold, drinking water when you are dehydrated. 

7. Mitochondria - the organelle found in eukaryotic cells that is the site of energy release, the "powerhouse " of the cell

8. Nucleus - a membrane bound organelle that contains the cells DNA (genetic material) and controls the cells processes like growth, metabolism and reproduction

9. Prokaryote - a single celled organisms that does not have a nucleus or membrane bound organelles, include Archaebacteria and Eubacteria

10. Vacuole - a fluid filled structure found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. 

3 C's of Plant Cells

1. Cell Wall

2. Chlorplasts

3. Central Vacuole

Cell Song Rap


HOT  Questions 

1. How do the structures and processess of the cell work toghether to maintain homeostasis?

2. How does the stucture of the cell wall contribute to it's function?

3. Why can't animal cells make their own food?

4. What do animal cells have to have or be able to do in the absence of a large central vacuole, chloroplasts, and a cell wall?

Click buttons below for video reviews for cells: 

Ameoba Sisters Prokarytic vs Eukaryotic


Original Rap by Ms. Quitmeyer

 Today's the day were gonna learn about the cell,

 If I teach it okay, you'll know it very well

 So listen up 6th graders-

-no room left for haters

 lets talk about the building blocks of life- cells that make us.


Cells, cells they're made of organelles

 Try to pull a fast one, the cytoplasm gels

The nucleus takes over controllin' everything

 The party don't stop 'till the membrane blocks the scene

Inside the vacuole we can float around for hours

Running round with chloroplasts, lovin' sunlight showers


Cells, cells, they're made of organelles

First things first, there's two different types

animal and plant cells that make up all life.

The little things that make up microscopic cells,

The main structures- yeah, we call them organelles.

 Now let's break it down and get some information

 How do cells work? It's a crazy combination!


 Cells, cells they're made of organelles

 Try to pull a fast one, the cytoplasm gels

The nucleus takes over controllin' everything

 The party don't stop 'till the membrane blocks the scene

Inside the vacuole we can float around for hours

Running round with chloroplasts, lovin' sunlight showers

Cells, cells, they're made of organelles


The cell membrane is the border patrol,

 Who can cross over?

 The membrane lets 'em know

The gooey stuff inside, is called the cytoplasm

It holds the organelles- don't worry, plasm-has 'em!

In the middle of the cell you'll find the big brain,

 The nucleus surrounded by nuclear membrane

Don't forget the vacuole filled up with water

It's a basic need for life when this rap keeps getting hotter!


 Cells, cells they're made of organelles

 Try to pull a fast one, the cytoplasm gels

The nucleus takes over controllin' everything

 The party don't stop 'till the membrane blocks the scene

Inside the vacuole we can float around for hours

Running round with chloroplasts, lovin' sunlight showers

Cells, cells, they're made of organelles


The mitchondria's something every cell needs,

Breaking down the food and releasin' energy.

There's a place inside the cell where chemicals are stored, the squiggly golgi bodies,

releasin' even more.

Yo hangin' in the cell is endoplasmic reticulum, synthesizin' enzymes for respiration, and um...

 If you still think that this rap is whack, remember ribosomes making proteins gettin' jacked! –


 Cells, cells they're made of organelles

 Try to pull a fast one, the cytoplasm gels

The nucleus takes over controllin' everything

 The party don't stop 'till the membrane blocks the scene

Inside the vacuole we can float around for hours

Running round with chloroplasts, lovin' sunlight showers

Cells, cells, they're made of organelles


Lookin at the plant cell, weird and green

 two more parts is all it takes you see?

Cell wall knows what's up when it comes to keepin' structure

Strong with cellulose, this cell can't get much tougher.

C-H- L-O- R-O -- Plast,

These little green machines are havin' a blast

 Photosythenisizing- filled with chlorophyll –

they hit the cell club, runnin' up a high bill-

Cells, cells they're made of organelles

 Try to pull a fast one, the cytoplasm gels

The nucleus takes over controllin' everything

 The party don't stop 'till the membrane blocks the scene

Inside the vacuole we can float around for hours

Running round with chloroplasts, lovin' sunlight showers

Cells, cells, they're made of organelles

Essential Questions

1. How are plant and animal cells alike in structure and function and how are they different? Animal cells and plant cells share some similar structures. The nucleus of eukaryotic cells controls all of the cells functions. The mitochondria converts nutrients into energy the cell can use to carry out its functions. The cytoplasm, a gel like substance, is found within the cell membrane and is where all of the cell's organelles are contained. Plant cells contain unique structures that animal cells do not. The cell wall supports the plant's rigid structure. The chloroplast contains chlorophyll, which captures sunlight to aid in photosynthesis. 

2. Explain how the functions of organelles work together within a cell to maintain Homeostasis. Organelles maintain homeostasis inside the cell by regulating the amount of water entering and exiting the cell, as well as taking in nutrients and removing wastes as needed.  

3. Explain why some scientists say that plant cells are more complicated than animal cells. Plants create their own food and have a cell wall and large vacuoles for water storage. 

Plant cells under a microscope

Animal cells (Stained epithial cells - cheek), under a microscope

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